Origins and Examples of
Ahh, Poetry. Poetry has always been an important part of my life. As
a child I always LOVED having someone read beautiful poetry to me. As a University
student my studies wove through many different disciplines... Engineering, Business,
Psychology, Counseling, Education, Foreign Langauges, Ballet, Accounting, Law... I took a degree in English Education and taught for a while (and as of Spring 2004 just renewed my Teaching Certificate again after years of lapse!) I had moved into the world of Hospice, Handwriting, Computers & Engineering... worked in many different areas in many different roles. But through it all there was always Poetry... read and written between jobs, between relationshps, in times of struggle, confusion, love, celebration. Some of my favorite poets include Emily Dickinson, William Butler Yeats, Poe, Shakespeare, Milton. I tend to prefer classical lyrical verse to the more free / open styles, and I also write lyrics for my own or other people's musical compositions. One near-poetry-but-not-quite which sets forth some of my basic values is my Life's Compass from early 1996. I wrote this shortly after the death of Vern Ho, a dear friend of mine who for years had taunted me in his Business Consultant role, telling me I needed to have a "Mission Statement" for me, my companies, my life. Ok... Fato! Done now; Vern would be happy! :-) Taking a look at the Mission Statement, you'll find these things woven into and through most of my poetry. And other topics: Clouds, Eternity, Shadows, Spiritual Questioning, Love & Loss... These are some of the recurring themes in my poetry... but then, these are not exactly original, nor news to many poets!
I have stacks & stacks & books and books of quite literally hundreds or maybe even thousands of my poems over the thrity-something years I've been writing. But I've pulled together some for display here on the web of my favorites. These are a few of my more popular, the main attractions in bold I list here some of my other work, too... Some select Short Story, Book and Song pieces which are representative of other works. Perhaps more later as I get it formatted for the web? Feel free to write a note, tell a tale, ask a question. Interact directly with Jerral to offer feedback on any the writings here: (No length or size limit... feel free to cut & paste if you like.) << Up to the Jerral.LLX.COM main page for futher info on Jerral. << |